National PlayStationTM Portable Education Pilot
Sony Computer Entertainment UK Ltd (SCE UK) and Boomerang IRM Ltd are launching a case study programme in selected pilot schools to demonstrate PlayStation Portable as an inclusive, accessible and dynamic handheld device that will deliver rich multimedia learning content anywhere; in the classroom, across campus or at home.

The programme is designed to exploit PlayStation Portable’s inbuilt wireless, Internet browser and multimedia capabilities allowing students and teachers to access information and enrich their lessons and lectures.
The programme will demonstrate the functionality of PSP, applying its features directly to all areas of teaching and learning. It will look to validate the use of PSP as an inclusive point of access that is used in school, home and all other 'student' environments. The programme will also be developing links and access to other educational content providers, delivering a richness of multi media learning to students and teachers.
The pilot schools selected to work with PSP on this programme are Maplesden Noakes School, The Leigh City Technical College, Dartford and City of London School for Girls.